
Western Legends Stories

Created by Kolossal Games

Build a frontier settlement, overcome challenges, and leave your mark.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager is Live!!!
16 days ago – Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 04:24:53 PM

Howdy everyone!

We recently launched the smoke test which was a success and are now launching the full pledge manager

The system is pretty straight forward but we do have a quick guide below for anyone who's never used Backerkit before.

If you have any questions please submit a ticket through our website here:

For those new to Backerkit we've created a quick walkthrough:

> Welcome Screen

This is where you’ll be able to select the country in which your game will Ship or Switch your Pledge Level (If you backed at $1 for Example).

Just click on the blue text just under "Your Pledge Level" and you can select any of the pledges from the drop-down menu

Click "Get Started" to continue, or "switch your pledge level" to do that.

> Questions

For any items in your Kickstarter order that have language options this is where you'll select the language.

Any items purchased through Backerkit with language options will have the language selected in the Add-on step.

You'll be able to add more items in the next step. 

> Add-Ons

In this part of the Pledge Manager, you’ll be able to add additional items to your pledge such as extra copies of Western Legends Stories or Original Western Legends or upgrade materials.

You’ll see your shipping fees here which will increase depending on which extras you choose. Shipping is weight-based so the costs will be dependent on the weight of your items.

PLEASE NOTE If you don't have a country selected before this screen, as often happens with Late Pledges, shipping defaults to show "Rest of World" prices. Once you enter your address on the next screen it will fix itself.

If you live in a country where VAT is applicable you’ll also see VAT fees here. Please note that VAT is based on the amount charged for the items and shipping.

> Shipping

Then there is the “Shipping" section where you’ll have to fill in all your details so we can ship your games to you as soon as Western Legends Stories is printed and ready! All there is left to do is click “Next” and confirm your Pledge.

If your Kickstarter account is linked through an Apple ID, it might not deliver the BackerKit survey email. Please submit a ticket in this case.

Late Pledge

You’ve missed the campaign and still want to join?

Please join us in our Late Pledge through this link:

Closing of the Pledge Manager/Late Pledge

The pledge manager will be closing its doors on January 20th

But the surveys will still be editable for a few months after that, so if you move, etc., you will be able to use the link in your emails to return to the pledge manager and edit your address, etc., for some time.

You can also return to your pledge manager any number of times to change your items if you change your mind :)

Last bit of news-

You've all given us such an amazing campaign that we're designing new poker cards for the game. We'll reveal more about the cards soon.

That's it for this update, have a great day everyone!

-Kolossal Games

Pledge Manager Going Live Thursday (December 19th)
18 days ago – Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 12:24:03 PM

Howdy partners!

Just a quick update on Western Legends Stories. We've been busy behind the scenes getting everything ready to roll out.

Pledge Manager Launch

The Pledge Manager will launch on Thursday! We're just finalizing some details with Backerkit. A small group of you will receive a test survey tonight, and assuming all goes well, everyone will get access on Thursday.

New to Backerkit?

No worries! We'll post a helpful guide on Thursday to walk you through the process.

Free Add-ons

Those of you who had the Automata deck or Poker Chip Upgrades in your pledge should have received a refund through Kickstarter. These items will be automatically added to your Backerkit pledge.

Original Western Legends Reprints

We're also reprinting some classic Western Legends items, including:

  • Western Legends Core game (English)
  • Ante Up expansion (English)
  • Blood Money (English)
  • Wild Bunch of Extras (English)

Because these are being reprinted alongside Western Legends Stories, we can include the items in any pledge and ship them with any pledge. Shipping costs are weight-based and vary by region. You can add the items to your cart and see what the costs will be when the pledge manager goes live.

Other titles will be available in the pledge manager to those in the US/EU where the inventory is currently located. We're working on a way to make world wide shipping available on these but it will likely be through our own stores. We can't mix our weight-based shipping system with another to account for shipping Stories once it prints and older Western Legends items now.

What We're Working On

Our team is currently giving the game text a thorough review to ensure everything is clear and ready for translation. We're also making some graphic design tweaks based on your feedback!

Third Thursday Updates

Going forward, expect monthly updates on the third Thursday of each month. Of course, we'll share any big news as it happens!

That's all for now, folks! We'll be back on Thursday with more info about the Pledge Manager.

-Kolossal Games

Thank You All!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 08:00:31 AM

Thank you everyone!

Just shy of 7 years ago we launched our first game and the first chapter of our biggest success Western Legends. It's been our flagship series over the years and continues to sell out around the world.

With this campaign, we start a new chapter in the Western Legends universe. One with a much richer world for y'all to settle and create your own story.

At the end of the campaign, we reached our 500 French edition backer goal, and even though this edition was already guaranteed it's so wonderful to see so many French-speaking fans coming out to support the campaign.

We crushed the $400k funding goal and every deluxe pledge (English and French) in this campaign will get the Poker chip add-on for free.

What's Next?

We'll be keeping you in the loop with monthly updates on the third Thursday of each month. We've got a lot of work ahead of us to get Stories ready for the printing presses, and we can't wait to share our progress and sneak peeks along the way.

Thanks again for believing in us and for helping to bring this game to life. We couldn't have done it without you!

-The Kolossal Games Team

$400k! Now Let's Clean Up!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 05:00:43 PM

Howdy everyone!

We did it! We've hit the $400k Stretch Goal, and all Deluxe pledges will now get the Poker Chip add-on for FREE!

Action Needed for Deluxe Backers:

If you're a Deluxe backer and added the Poker Chips as an add-on, please remove them from your pledge. This will help avoid extra charges and fees. We've created a simple guide below to walk you through it with beautifully drawn arrows to assist.

Action Needed for Retail Backers:

91 of you still have the Automata add-on. Please remove this as well, as it's already included in your pledge.

Why remove the add-ons?

To prevent unnecessary charges and fees for currency exchanges and Stripe processing, it's best to remove the add-ons now before cards are charged. Don't worry, the items are already unlocked, and removing the add-ons won't affect that!

Want extra Poker Chips or Automata decks?

You'll be able to add extras in the pledge manager after the campaign ends.

Quick Note About the Poker Chips:

  • The Cattle token is no longer part of the game and won't be included. (we were looking at an older component list when drafting the item)
  • There will be two Lock tokens (not one).

How to remove add-ons from your pledge

The first step is finding the "Manage your Pledge" button. On both phone and computer, this should be towards the top of the page

From here you'll see an overview of your pledge where you can update your payment and change your pledge. We want the "Change your Pledge" button which will be just below your itemized pledge summary.

Next you're going to select your pledge level. The one you had originally selected should be first on the list. And don't worry, this isn't adding a second copy of the game to your order, you're just confirming you want to stay at that pledge level.

Finally, we're at the add-ons. Find the add-ons you want to remove and click the trash can button on the far right. That will remove the item from your pledge.

The last thing is to hit Continue and Confirm Changes, assuming everything looks good to you.

Thank you for taking the time to update your pledge! It helps us streamline the process and prevents potential payment issues.

We're incredibly grateful for your support and can't wait to get Western Legends Stories on your tables!

-Kolossal Games

New Adventures!
about 1 month ago – Sun, Nov 24, 2024 at 11:35:40 AM

Howdy partners,

We've got some exciting news to share! A brand-new adventure is coming to Western Legends Stories!

Herve has begun working on a 2-episode adventure that takes place a few years after the events of the core game.

Here's a sneak peek:

"December 30th, 1867

Three years have passed since the first pioneers arrived in the region. The tragedies of those early days still linger in the memories of those who lived through them.  Life seems to have calmed down, the tensions giving way to a fragile peace, as if the land itself were offering its weary inhabitants a moment of respite.

Pulling up the collar of his coat to fend off the first bite of the winter wind, Henry McAllister, the manager of the stagecoach company, cast a wary eye at the dark clouds gathering on the horizon.
'Winter is coming,' he muttered through clenched teeth."

While this new adventure is early in the design phase and subject to change, we expect this self-contained adventure will feature new Personalities, Items, and other exciting goodies for your characters to discover.

Here's how you can get it:

Deluxe Backers: This new adventure will be included at no additional cost!
Retail Backers: You can add it to your pledge for just $5 during the campaign and pledge manager. (MSRP is expected to be $12.)

What does this do to the fulfillment timeline?

We still expect to fulfill the games by August of next year. We originally built in extra development time to accommodate any unexpected changes.  While Herve writes the new story, Kolossal will be focusing on finalizing the game and working with Publishing Technology Solutions on the French translation.  We're confident we can deliver on time!

Thank you all for your incredible support! Let's make these last two days amazing!

-Kolossal Games

P.S. We'll update the Kickstarter page with this information tomorrow.